Sunday, April 18, 2010

Old Stuff

Here's a bunch of old pieces - mainly from first year at OCAD (some were for fun), first semester's drawing with David Cheval ... (he's a really good prof, p.s.):

This piece (below) took FOREVER to do - this isn't even the full image ... pretty sure I logged over 40 hours doing this one (but I enjoyed it!) I love black pen work and extreme details, also love overlapping images and layers ... within this one I made sure all of the blades of grass continued correctly ... none overlapping and cutting off half the stalk ... made a mistake on one (and it still kind of bothers me lol) ...

This last photo represents most of the pieces (not all) that I did for Cheval's final project ... fortunately this was due after my exam so I had about a week to devote exclusively to this assignment ... :)