Saturday, February 25, 2012

Surviving Thesis

My method of surviving numerous all-nighters for thesis: eating! I don't drink coffee or take energy supplements / beverages so I'm constantly hunting for other things to keep me going all hours of the night. These are a few which seem to have worked ;) introducing my thesis-all-nighter-anti-coffee-survival-snacks:

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Hermit Cookies

This is actually the first piece I did for thesis - I've only now obtained a digital copy I am satisfied with.
Size: 11" x 14"

Hunter Pie

Another thesis piece!
Size: 9" x 12"

Fight the Mega Quarry

Activism poster done last semester to raise awareness against the Mega Quarry proposed to be built in Melancthon, Ontario. This poster let me experiment with illustrated type. It doesn't read too clearly, but it's a start! I focused on how the ground water will be polluted, toxins being dumped into it, traveling down stream and tainting ponds and rivers, effecting and endangering both wildlife and our drinking water.

There are MANY websites and articles dedicated to the issue, but I would recommend these for a concise outline of what's going on:  (*watch the short info clip on the right of the page, really puts everything into perspective) and here,
Size: 8.5" x 11"


Never posted this last semester - it is an activism piece I did for James Lovelock's Gaia Theory, 'Gaia is sick'.
Sweating above: polar ice melting
Drying below: draught and ever-expanding deserts
Air pollution: smoke stacks pop up like boils and warts, disfiguring our planet ...
8.5" x 11"

Sweet Dreams + Morphine

These are two more of my Gladstone show pieces. They were both painted on found pieces of wood - two slots from an antique desk's set of pigeon holes. Each are approx. 9" x 4.5"


Fear of hands. This is one of my pieces that was featured in the Gladstone show last month (so sorry for the delay in posting - I've been bad about updating lately!)

Size: 24" x 36"

Sunday, February 5, 2012

Custom Business Cards

Here's a client who was super fun to work with :)
Laura also suggested that I do wedding cards (invitations, characters of the bride/groom) like this ... perhaps I will have to give it a try!

Saturday, February 4, 2012

Morphine Dreams wallpaper

Avoiding a painting assignment - whipped this up instead! ;)

Friday, February 3, 2012

WET FEET comic

First assignment for my Graphic Novel Illustration class: an autobiographical comic based on something that had happened to us that week. This incident actually happened as I was walking this very class. I arrived soaked :s gross

*Sorry for the language, merely recording the event in all its accuracy.


February is upon us! I'm excited to say that later this month I will be taking screen printing classes - I'm so excited! I've recently become really interested in the surface design field of illustration (textile design, stationary and paper goods, wall paper design, illustrated housewares, etc) and can't wait to try my hand at it!
Maybe closer to the end of this month you will be seeing some screen printed tote bags, towels, yards of fabric, moleskin covers, note cards, posters, plush toys..............................the possibilities are limitless!!

Can't wait!