Sunday, May 26, 2013


All cleaned up and made pretty!  I've edited my site and here she is:

WALLFLOWER is now up online! I hope you enjoy.
xo, Emily

Upcoming Exhibitions

Here are a few things I am involved in / have work in and wanted to share if anyone is interested in attending them!

UPCOMING EXHIBITION: Sketchbook Project Mobile Library Tour 2013: June 7th - 9th 2013, Distillery District, Toronto
UPCOMING EXHIBITION: Art Brownie Zoo 2013: July 20th - August 24th 2013, INDEXG, 50 Gladstone Ave, Toronto
UPCOMING EXHIBITION: 3rd annual FESTIVAL FANZINES!: October 3rd - 30th 2013, Marguerite Duras Public Library, France

Saturday, May 25, 2013

Photobooth procrastination

This pretty much sums up the last few hours of a typical friday studio night - going to take reference photos for some weird facial gesture or body position and then procrastinating off on photo booth ... when it hits this point it's usually time to go sleep